#5 Skilbladnir - Crew ship of the Othalaz. This legendary ship exists long before the birth of Woden.It is a galleon with black and burgundy sails, more than a hundred meters long and thirty meters wide and has 64 cannons. The legends tell that it has its own conscience, it chooses itself the captain on board. But if the captain disappoints him, he gets rid of him by diving under the sea, purifying himself from his crew. During the great apocalypse, he was completely destroyed with Woden on board. The latter recovered the wheel after its rebirth, and left in search of a carpenter or an engineer to rebuild it. It is Sigurn who took care of it, by improving it.She added a steam engine that drives six paddle wheels, as well as a "cowcatcher" at the front, used as a spur and icebreaker. Since then, the Othalaz crew has been sailing on board, on the Lagüz Ocean.
Personal character design project - Concept art that consists of representing a universe whose theme is piracy fused with various mythologies. The crew I represented here belongs to the Nordic mythology, the Othalaz crew. This is just the beginning of a project, I intend to continue to develop the universe afterwards, by drawing other crews, enemies and landscapes, deepening those already existing and extending little by little the universe, which would aim to be adapted in an animated series, or in a narrative video game.
Mis en ligne le 23 Sep 2020
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