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Challenge J-7 Challenge J-7

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I would like to thank Spartan for the help with introduction suggestions! I can do with all the help I can get. Wish me luck as I will try my best.

Who are you and where are you from?

My name is Brett and I live in Houston Texas. I have lived here all my life and have been happily married to my wife for 27 years. We have a grown up daughter who lives elsewhere and have 3 cats. I love the outdoors (when the heat allows),, woodcarving, computers, and I volunteer at a local 300 acre park!

How old are you and what is your education/profession?

I am 61 years old and have done many things in my life. Before we retired my wife and I owned and operated a small retail business for 15 years.

How you discovered

I read in a post from Blender Nation that this was the place to learn digital art, as a novice I would like to learn from the ground up and am enjoying studying several disciplines.

What are your expectations and ambitions

expectations are simple,...basics of how to better understand the processes needed to refine my abilities to create digital art. My ambition is to one day be able to create things others will feel as much as like and admire.

Why did you register

to learn and hopefully share with others.

What are your artistic projects, etc.

I am trying to create all kinds of things in blender. Not only is it more capable than most suites of programs on the market it is also free. I have installed Krita and find it to perform well, I just need to learn how to use the program better.

If you prefer briefs or underpants for guys and for ladies if you prefer panties or nothing (thanks Smirt)

I have no preference on either really, it is a new world from when I was raised and it appears many of each do either and or both time to time, I'm not one to judge, each their own.  🙂


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Hello @BrettByers and welcome to the DPS community ! Your testimony is very encouraging for me and I wish you to flourish in this drawing training ! Enjoy it in your precious retirement. Looking forward to seeing your artwork. 😁 

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