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Hello @arts_from_wonder_land !


Well for the forum, you have to post all of your exercices on the same subject 🙂

Keep this one, and post your future exercices here, under this one 🙂


For the study, I think this is an excellent job !

Maybe this part is too dark : image.png.9a75cb9c9c5b9e7fd81782e1e4323ff3.pngimage.png.4c0097e722a3a9ce0963f7d333b44459.png


And this part will have more shades of blue : image.png.55043e446ba907c8fd1622af52066ff7.pngimage.png.b3d01d6af10f3f49cd0cad8cbad9a505.png


I think that the whole image is a little too saturated overall, but apart form that, you did a great job on it ! 🙂


Keep it up !



Tenez les IA, servez vous !

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